The potential of cucurbitacins and their analogs as lead drug candidates for the treatment of prostate cancer. The compounds developed have the potential to reduce cancer resistance through stronger androgen receptor binding as well as perform better than the current treatments in the marketplace an..... [更多]
Project ID:  PHR00107Novelty: Conformationally restrained novel epothilone analogue exhibiting strong and selective growth inhibitory effect on leukemia cell lines. Background: Epothilones have been reported to exhibit potent anticancer activity and a number of epothilone analogs have entered clinic..... [更多]
Non-slip adhesive for controlled manipulation of the guidewireTime savingReduces error [更多]
Auburn University is seeking a licensee or development partner for naturally occurring novel metal clusters that exhibit protein scavenging properties. Proteon nucleating centers (PNCs) consist of 1- to 2-nm nanoparticles that contain 40–300 non-ionic metal atoms.  These nanoclusters have been shown..... [更多]
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设备 纺织 生物制品 环保 金属 新能源 饮料 电力 食品 渔业 信息技术业 建筑业 交通运输 电子 石油 非金属 仪表 化学 医药 新材料 综合类 仓储业 其他制造业 机械 塑料 煤气及水的生产和供应业 塑胶