其核心是一个独特且经优化的导电面料触摸板,用于创建灵活、耐用和坚固的面料触摸屏界面,取代了对于硬触控板及软性电路的需要。The key part of this technology is a unique optimized conductive fabric touch pad that is used for creating flexible, durable and solid fabric touch screen interface and eliminates the need of hard touch pad and flexible circuit.该技术完全有条件掺入多.....
Second edition This collection of speeches explains the principal elements of Islam belief in the existence and Unity of God, in resurrection and the Day of Judgment, in the Divine Scriptures, as well as other familiar themes of Islamic discourse. Fethull作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile.....
In Muhammad: The Messenger of God, Gulen delves deep into the reasons as to how Muhammad, a single man with minimum means, was able to leave indelible marks on millions of minds and souls. Gulen presents the Prophet in the different roles he assumed withi作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile.....
寻求正渗透高含盐工业污水处理技术及设备,能够用正渗透方法解决油田采出水、煤化工企业污水等含盐度较高的工业污水的脱盐处理。To seek high salt industrial wastewater treatment technology and equipment with positive osmosis methods which can desalt oil field processed water and coal-chemical industry water with positive osmosis methods.
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