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Improved fetal heart rate and uterine contraction monitoring system

Detailed Technology Description
This invention relates to a non-invasive wide beam transducer probe thatcan be used to monitor the fetal heart rate throughout labor and delivery.

Cornell researchers have developed a wide beam transducer probe that can be used to monitor the fetal heart rate throughout labor and delivery. This non-invasive approach can be incorporated for use with existing ultrasound systems.

This system can also incorporate the advantage of a dual ultrasound-based solution for both mother and fetus during labor by continuously measuring the uterine contraction strength and duration.

Thus the need for two separate devices to monitor both mother and fetus is eliminated.

Since the device incorporates a wide beam design, the need to reposition the device during delivery is eliminated.

By providing more accurate data than existing ultrasound systems, this novel system can be a valuable diagnostic monitoring tool, particularly in cases of pre-term labor, where it can aid doctors in making decisions for the patient and fetus.


Potential Commercial Application

  • For use in hospital delivery rooms and in sections where a patient in pre-term labor requires monitoring
Jeff Fearnjcf55@cornell.edu607-254-4502

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