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Method To Measure The Flow Of Cerebrospinal Fluid (16035)

Detailed Technology Description

Method To Measure The Flow Of Cerebrospinal Fluid (16035)


Features and Benefits Summary

  • May provide a method and system for improving flow measurement of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the cervical spine

  • May be more accurate than currently existing techniques.

 *This Technology is available for licensing, further development, or industrial partnering*


Market Opportunities

The velocities of bodily fluids such as blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are measured as a phase shift induced in phase contrast Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging with a velocity-encoding bipolar gradient pulse.  The flow is measured as a pair of images in the absence and presence of the velocity-encoding bipolar gradient. In theory, the phase contrast of the pair of images should yield the desired velocity sensitive phase contrast. However, the velocity-encoding gradient pulse induces an eddy current that causes a dynamic magnetic field that induces a phase shift or phase offset in the image.  An approach developed by the researcher would correct for phase offset to allow more accurate determination of CSF flow and flow rates.



In order to address the problems inherent in determined CSF flow, The researcher has developed a method for correction of phase offset induced from eddy current in MR phase contrast flow measurement.  It is believed that this method will provide more accurate determination of CSF flow as well as allow for location of reductions in flow consistent with spinal cord injuries.


Technology Status

  • IP Status: Provisional Patent Application
  • Development Status: Further Development needed
  • Fields of Use Available: All



  • Kwan-Jin Jung


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