EasyDMEK Shooter
- 總結
- Surgical device for more rapid, more safer and more standardised Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK).
- 技術優勢
- Operation more rapid, safer, more standardized and simpler
Better and faster uncoiling of the transplanted Descemet membrane
Reduced risk of complications
Increased success rate
Reduced duration of surgery
Innovative device for simplified Descemet membrane-endothelium graft preparation and loading of a storage/cultivation box or an injection cartridge
One operation for two steps with one device
No touching of the transplant incl. endothelium
- 技術應用
- Cornea Transplantation
- 詳細技術說明
- The inner layer of the cornea (endothelium) can become cloudy after cataract surgery or in the case of Fuchs' corneal endothelial dystrophy. The pathological inner layer – consisting of the Descement membrane and endothelium – is replaced within an operation called DMEK (Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty). During the process the layer is introduced into the front chamber of the patient’s eye in a coiled status by means of a so-called DMEK-shooter.
- 合作類型
- Licensing
- 申請日期
- 27/06/2016 00:00:00
- 申請號碼
- EP20170740616 20170627
- 分類
- - international:
- cooperative:
A61F2/148; A61F9/007; A61F2/147
- 其他
- Patent application
- ID號碼
- 4635
- 國家/地區
- 德國

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