- 總結
- 8-Etinylxanthines: potent dual-target-directed adenosine receptor antagonists with a beneficial neuroprotective function in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
- 技術優勢
- New potent dual- and triple-target drugs for the treatment of PD and AD
Multi-target drug with improved compliance, less side effects, reduced toxicity
Significant advantages over combination therapy: more predictable pharmacology, reduced drug-drug interactions, less complex pharmacokinetics
- 技術應用
- these observations position tricyclic xanthine derivatives as ideal candidates for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as PD and AD, but might also be suitable for the treatment of depression, addiction and restless legs syndrome.
- 詳細技術說明
- This invention provides newly designed tricyclic xanthine derivatives which allow overcoming this problem. A variety of 69 derivatives were prepared and evaluated in radioligand binding studies at adenosine receptors and for their ability to inhibit monoamine oxidases. Potent dual-target-directed A1/A2A adenosine receptor antagonists were identified. Several compounds even showed triple-target inhibition.
- 合作類型
- Licensing
- 申請日期
- 28/06/2011 00:00:00
- 申請號碼
- EP20070856895 20071219
- 分類
- international:
A61K31/495; A61P25/00; C07D473/04; C07D473/06
- cooperative:
C07D473/04; C07D473/06
- 其他
- Patent application
- ID號碼
- 1613
- 國家/地區
- 德國

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