Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors (P2Y 12-receptor antagonists)
- 總結
- Platelet aggregation inhibitors: Novel antagonists of the P2Y12-receptor with antithrombotic effect.
- 技術優勢
- Innovative group of compounds for a validated target
No bioactivation for faster onset of action
Reversible binding to the receptor
Small molecules for inexpensive production process
- 技術應用
- Drug discovery, Modulation of P2 receptors in platelets is of paramount importance in regulating platelet function, and, as a consequence, in controlling thrombotic diseases,
- 詳細技術說明
- The P2Y12-receptor on blood platelets is the target of known antithrombotic drugs (e.g. clopidogrel). The receptor is therefore validated for this therapeutic use. Furthermore, the P2Y12-receptor is expressed in certain parts of the brain, which opens new routes for the treatment of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. This invention provides novel antagonists of the P2Y12-receptor. The disclosed novel compounds show reversible and selective binding to the P2Y12-receptor. The molecules do not require bioactivation.
- 合作類型
- Licensing
- 申請日期
- 07/03/2008 00:00:00
- 申請號碼
- EP20080735068 20080307
- 分類
- - international:
A61K31/136; A61P7/02; A61P9/10; C07C229/74; C07C309/46; C07C309/53; C07C323/37; C07D239/42; C07D251/42; C07D251/44; C07D251/46; C07D251/50
- cooperative:
C07C229/74; C07C309/46; C07C309/53; C07C323/37; C07D251/42; C07D251/44; C07D251/46; C07D251/50; C07C2603/24
- 其他
- Patent application
- ID號碼
- 1526
- 國家/地區
- 德國
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