
CASH Method for Stable, Highly Crystalline Mesoporous Transistion Metal Oxides with Uniform Pores

Cornell material scientists have developed a new method, that for the first time, allows production of highly-crystallized, highly structured mesoporous metal oxides.

Cornell material scientists have developed a new method, that for the first time, allows production of highly-crystallized, highly structured mesoporous metal oxides. The method is a "one-pot" synthesis method employing block copolymers with a sp2 hybridized carbon containing hydrophobic block as structure directing agents (see figure 1 in the technology brief).


The block copolymers convert to a sturdy, amorphous carbon material under appropriate heating conditions which coats the inside of the pores to provide an in-situ rigid support which maintains the pores of the oxides intact while the oxides crystallize at temperatures as high as 1000°C (see figure 2 in the technology brief).


Potential Applications

Mesoporous materials with a transition metal oxide framework have immense potential for applications in catalysis, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, sensors, and electrode materials because of their characteristic catalytic, optical and electronic properties. The scientists have developed an approach to create mesoporous with a metal oxide framework for group IV (titanium) and V (niobium) oxides, with potential applications to photovoltaic cells and fuel cells, respectively.


  • Highly crystalline mesoporous metal oxides
  • High thermal and mechanical stability
  • One-pot synthesis method
  • Well-maintained pores provide large surface area
  • Porous structure maintained after pulverizing


Jeff Fearn, jcf55@cornell.edu607-254-4502
  • Issued Patentin the U.S. number 8,940,224
  • Lee,Jinwoo, et al. 2008. Direct access to thermally stable and highly crystallinemesoporous transition-metal oxides with uniform pores, Nature Materials, 7, 222- 228. doi:10.1038/nmat2111
  • Warren,Scott C., DiSalve, Francis J., Wiesner, Ulrich. 2007. Nanoparticle-tunedassembly and disassembly of mesostructured silica hybrids. Nature Materials6(3), 156-161. doi:10.1038/nmat1819.

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