
Monoclonal Antibodies Against Macrophage Proteins

New anddistinct antigens are recognizedStandardconditions are used for production
Research reagents for detection of synovial macrophages #researchtool #antibody

Northwestern researchers have developed three mouse antibodies (mAb 1069, mAb 1067 and mAb 8H2) against target proteins on the surface of macrophage cells found in tissues affected with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disorder that affects small joints in hands and feet. Immune cells called macrophages are central to RA development, and for this reason they have been extensively studied in laboratories around the world. RA is a progressive and debilitating illness that can lead to bone erosion and joint deformities. Therefore, enabling further research into RA and macrophages is of utmost importance to public health. The antibodies generated by Dr. Koch will could enable lines of inquiry into RA, which could ultimately help those suffering with this disease. 

Alisa E. Koch
Koch AE, Burrows JC, DomerPH, Ashmun RA, Look AT, Leibovich SJ (1992) Monoclonal antibodies defining sharedhuman macrophage-endothelial antigens, Pathobiology. 60: 59-67.

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