

A fantasy game based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for the treatment of depression
in adolescents.
SPARX can help young people learn how to have Smart, Positive, Active, Realistic, X-factor thoughts (SPARX). Computerised CBT like SPARX is unique in that users can do it on their own, at their own pace, whenever and wherever it suits; all that is needed is a computer with access to the internet.

CBT focuses on the links between how people think (their ‘cognitions’), what they do (their ‘behaviour’) and how they feel. CBT teaches skills about how to cope with negative thoughts and feelings by helping people to think in a more balanced and helpful way and getting them to do things they enjoy or that give them a sense of achievement.
SPARX is a computer program that helps young people with mild to moderate depression. It can also help those feeling anxious or stressed.
SPARX has been tested in a large study in New Zealand and the results published in the British Medical Journal.
SPARX was compared with standard care provided to young people with mild to moderate depression and it was found that:
• SPARX was as effective as standard care for youths 12 to 19 years old seeking help for depression;
• SPARX reduced depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness and improved quality of life;
• These changes lasted for at least three months;
• SPARX worked better for those with more depression (but still within mild-moderate range);
• SPARX worked equally well across different ethnic groups in New Zealand;
• SPARX worked equally well for girls and boys and older and younger youths;
• SPARX worked equally well across the age group of 12 to 19 years;
• SPARX appeared to work better when users completed at least half of the modules (i.e. at least four levels)
• Most young people completed at least half of SPARX and this compared very well with other similar programs; and
• Most participants found SPARX useful, believed it would appeal to other teenagers and would recommend it to their friends.

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