
Improved Search System

A method of searching a plurality of semi-structured and/or unstructured documents comprising the steps of: providing a search interface having a search term input window, a search initiation button and a plurality search result display window, the search interface further including one or more search term clarification buttons; providing a plurality of documents having one or more search identifier terms associated therewith; inputting a search term into the search term input window and initiating a search; searching for documents related the search term, and displaying documents identified by the search in the search result display windows, wherein each search result display window displays search results related to a particular identifier term, and wherein further the search identifier term assigned to each search result display window is dependent upon the results of prior searches.
Patent Number: US7765225B2
Application Number: US2004910055A
Inventor: Robert, Luk Wing Pong
Priority Date: 3 Aug 2004
Priority Number: US7765225B2
Application Date: 3 Aug 2004
Publication Date: 27 Jul 2010
IPC Current: G06F000700 | G06F001730
US Class: 707765 | 707771 | 715759
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Search system
Usefulness: Search system
Summary: For searching semi-structured and unstructured documents such as webpages, news articles, images, news group postings, using an internet search engine.
Novelty: Semi-structured and/or unstructured document search method for internet search engine, involves displaying searched documents in display windows, such that search identifier term of each window is dependent upon results of prior searches
計算機,通信和消費電子產品 /小工具
LUK Wing-pong Robert

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