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Happy Qins


After a thousand years of deep sleep under the soil since the Qin Dynasty, Terra-cotta Warriors finally awake and rise to the modern world! Being the first warrior to wake up, Qins can’t help being attracted by the window display of a fashion shop at first sight. In order to have in-depth experience with the secular culture, the outgoing, innocent and adventurous Happy QINS™ make reference to the modern solder figurines and put on the clothing of different people. He is ready to explore everything he feels curious in the modern world! Sweet Qins is a buddy of Qins and decides to join him in the journey. He is a gentle guy who loves reading books and studying history.

“Put it on and you can understand”, like the saying by Qins, you better put them on your body if you want to share the joy created by them. Qins’ products include stationery, garment, and other creative daily commodities. You will find them perfect matches with your outgoing character.

Happy QINS™ is full of creativity and innovation. It will energize the partnering brands with its cheerfulness and smiles. Apart from being developed into different products for promotion through patent licensing, it can also be deployed in web sites, iPhone games, animations and other environments.


Service Company, Distributor



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