
Ultra Low Voltage CMOS Image Sensor Architecture

CMOS-based image sensors have a wide range of potential applications since they may be integrated into a number of electronic products such as personal computers, cellular phones, personal digital assistants and many others. CMOS active pixel sensors exploit the mature CMOS industry and can compete with charge coupled devices for low power, high levels of integration and functionality.
The present invention is a method to design ultra-low voltage CMOS image sensors. The method allows the scaling of CMOS technology to beyond the quarter micron technology node, which was believed to be an obstacle to CMOS image sensor scaling. In addition, a new readout methodology to add extra dynamic range in the voltage domain is design to supplement the low voltage CMOS sensor. Thus, the power consumption can be minimized in order to maximize battery life and the signals are made as large as possible so that the signal-to-noise ratio is raised.
1. Lowest reported operation voltage
2. Practical
3. Significantly increase the dynamic range of image sensor circuits from both the sensor architecture and the readout circuit
- Any optical sensor applications
Patent Number: US7897901B2
Application Number: US200859402A
Inventor: Chan, Man Sun John | Xu, Chen | Ki, Wing Hung
Priority Date: 16 Aug 2002
Priority Number: US7897901B2
Application Date: 31 Mar 2008
Publication Date: 1 Mar 2011
IPC Current: H01L002700 | H01J004014 | H01L0027146
US Class: 2502081 | 250214R | 257290 | 348308
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Ultra low voltage CMOS image sensor architecture
Usefulness: Ultra low voltage CMOS image sensor architecture
Summary: Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) active pixel sensor (APS) for use in mobile phone, personal digital assistant (both claimed) and personal computer (PC).
Novelty: Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) active pixel sensor for use in mobile phone, has pixel element including parallel complementary signal paths whose outputs are combined to generate pixel output
計算機,通信和消費電子產品 /小工具
31 Mar 2008
US 12/059402
US 7897901

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