Double face with high efficiency-Process for producing knitted fabric
- 总结
- This invention describes a process and a device for the production of double-face knitted fabrics using a double plating technique. Three threads are fed simultaneously to the knitting machine, with the third thread passing through both levels, where it is tied alternately into the stitches
- 技术优势
- High production speed
Immense time saving
Tighter setting
- 技术应用
- The method presented here now enables simultaneous knitting of front and back, which saves at least half the time and ensures tighter setting. Areas of application include the garment industry, especially circular knitting machines and circular knitters, as well as recyclers of double-face knitted fabrics.
- 详细技术说明
- The novel process, which enables the production of knitted fabrics with two different surfaces, greatly improves production speed. Double-face textiles like these are usually produced on a circular knitting machine by connecting thin threads using handle stitching. This means that the two sides have to be knitted consecutively.
The method presented here now enables simultaneous knitting of front and back, which saves at least half the time and ensures tighter setting.
- 合作类型
- Licensing
- 申请日期
- 05/10/2018 00:00:00
- 其他
- Patent application
- ID号码
- 4735
- 国家/地区
- 德国
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