Li-Bx conductive salt for lithium-based energy storage
- 总结
- The invention Conductive salt "LiB8" describes a fluorinated ethanesulfonate derivative and its preparation and use as a conductive salt for lithium-ion batteries or as anions for ionic liquids. LiB8 shows higher thermal stability and lower toxicity of the combustion products. This provides a wider temperature range, e.g. For lithium-ion batteries with comparable performance possible.
- 技术优势
- Temperature Stability
Improved safety
Suitable for long-lasting lithiumion
Simple synthesis
Lab tested
- 技术应用
- Lithium ion batteries are widely used as mobile energy storage. The use of Li-Bx provides the ability to run the batteries at higher temperatures, which can be dispensed with elaborate cooling system. At the same time the salt is less sensitive to moisture and easy to dry, resulting in the reduction of process costs.
- 详细技术说明
- Lithium ion batteries are widely used as
mobile energy storage. The use of Li-Bx
provides the ability to run the batteries at
higher temperatures, which can be
dispensed with elaborate cooling system. At the same time the salt is less sensitive to moisture and easy to dry, resulting in the
reduction of process costs. Furthermore, it is because of its excellent stability, no toxic
or corrosive decomposition products in comparison with LiPF 6.
- 合作类型
- Licensing
- 申请日期
- 27/02/2013 00:00:00
- 申请号码
- DE201210101670 20120229
- 分类
- - international:
C07C309/10; H01M10/0561
- cooperative:
C01D15/00; C07C309/10; C07C309/65; H01G11/62; H01M10/052; H01M10/0525; H01M10/0565; H01M10/0567; H01M10/0568; H01M10/0569; H01G11/06; H01G11/60; H01M2300/0025; H01M2300/0028; H01M2300/0034; H01M2300/0037; Y02E60/13
- 其他
- Patent application
- ID号码
- 3066
- 国家/地区
- 德国

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