- 总结
- Angiopoietin-2 predicts the efficacy of angiogenesis inhibitors in colorectal cancer therapy.
- 技术优势
- Ang-2 level as predictive biomarker for angiognese-targeted therapeutical approaches of CRC.
Low pretherapeutic serum Ang-2 levels are associated with: reduced risk of death, increased progression-free survival.
- 技术应用
- Cancer Therapy- Strong diagnostic potential of the predictive biomarker has been demonstrated in pretherapeutic blood samples from colorectal cancer patients vs. healthy controls
- 详细技术说明
- A novel predictive biomarker to help identify the patient population with the most favorable clinical outcome to angiogenesis-targeted treatment in mCRC patients.Experiments revealed that patients with low pretherapeutic Ang-2 serum levels receiving a bevacizumab-containing treatment were associated with a better response rate compared to patients with high pretherapeutic Ang-2 levels
- 合作类型
- Licensing
- 申请日期
- 06/09/2010 00:00:00
- 申请号码
- EP20100757580 20100906
- 分类
- - international:
- cooperative:
G01N33/57419; G01N2333/515; G01N2800/52; G01N2800/56
- 其他
- Patent application
- ID号码
- 2262
- 国家/地区
- 德国

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