
Model Complexity Reduction Method for Multiscale Device Modeling

Researchers at Purdue University have developed a new mapping scheme algorithm, which has improved accuracy and transferability of tight-bonding (TB) parameters. This algorithm has desired features of mapping from DFT to TB using alternate information from DFT, e.g., waveforms and DOS, providing a physically justified model for variation of on-site elements within environment, and provides relationships between SETB parameters. Mapping ab initio to reduce TB allows for the application of new materials outside of the normal scope of NEMO5 software.
Completely bypasses the fitting-to-targets process by mathematically mapping from DFT to TB using alternate information (wave functions, DOS, etc.)Provides a physically justified model for variation of on-site elements with environment (strain, alloying, and interfaces to improve transferability)Provides mathematical relationships between SETB parameters to reduce the number of independent SETB parameters required to be optimized
Software IndustryManufacturing/Machining
Gerhard KlimeckNanoelectronic Modeling GroupPurdue Electrical and Computer Engineering

Methods of electronic and atomic structure calculations have greatly contributed to expanding the field of computational material science. Density functional theory (DFT) methods for the simulation of electronic devices have a major disadvantage in poor scaling of DFT with system size. Even order-N DFT methods scale poorly when having atom sizes greater than a few thousand atoms. A model is needed for the variation of semiempirical tight binding (SETB) parameters with changes in material environment due to alloying, strain, and confinement.
*IP Issue Date
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*Stage of Development
Proof of Concept
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Purdue Office of Technology CommercializationPurdueInnovation and EntrepreneurshipGerhard KlimeckNanoelectronic Modeling GroupPurdue Electrical and Computer Engineering
United States

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