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Ultra-thin optical systems for enhanced night vision


We have developed an ultra-thin device for conversion of light frequencies from infrared to visible wavelengths. This technology can be applied as a film to any glass surface and allows us to overcome many of the limitations of current night vision technologies.


Our technology opens up new applications for night vision by offering the following advantages:
• Ultra-thin and ultra-light: Allows for miniaturization of night vision devices and integration with existing lenses and optical systems
• Simple: The structure of the film is simple and it can be applied to any glass surface
• Flexible: The film is extremely flexible which allows application on concave and convex surfaces (for example car windscreens and spectacle lenses);
• Multicolor infra-red vision: Allows the user to view images in color, not possible with any other existing techniques.
• Fully transparent: Allows integration with existing lenses and optical systems and minimally obstructs daylight vision.


Night vision devices provide us with the ability to see in low light environments and have numerous applications, both military and civilian. Current technologies work by converting the light to electrons, which are multiplied and then converted back into an image. This process results in devices that are bulky, heavy, monochromatic and opaque in the visible spectrum.

We have developed a device that converts light frequencies directly from infrared (IR) to visible wavelengths, eliminating the need for conversion of optical to electronic domains. Using a novel technique of fabricating semiconductor nanocrystals embedded in a transparent polymer on a glass substrate, we have demonstrated nonlinear frequency conversion in an ultra-thin layer of nanocrystals on a glass surface. We have also used different sizes of these unique semiconductor nanocrystals to produce multiple colors of visible light from different IR frequencies. The nanocrystals allow for strong light concentration inside them, such that the incoming infrared image can mix with a strong laser beam to generate a new visible image which can be observed in a conventional CMOS sensor or by the naked eye.


Licensing/ commercial development


12/05/2017 00:00:00






Related patent AU2017903177



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