- 总结
- The present invention relates to a fuzzy logic based fingerprint smart handover decision method, the handover decision into two stages: the first stage is when the handover decision network deployment learning stage, the second stage is a network handover decision runtime runtime ; first stage comprising the steps of: switching indicator types obfuscate exact measurements, forming a "fingerprint"; "fingerprint" of a collection of the judgment reference knowledge base, i.e. "fingerprint Library"; The second phase includes as follows: For all categories of real-time input switching indicator accurately measure the value of fuzzy processing; knowledge with reference to the judgment of the "fingerprint" of the fuzzy logic matching calculation; handover decision. The present invention also discloses a system using the above method. The present invention discloses a method and system that can be part of the decision to switch from the operating phase processing overhead to the network deployment, thereby reducing processing overhead time operation phase, improving the speed and efficiency.
- 附加资料
- Inventor: YAO, Gang | CAO, Jian-nong | ZHANG, Chi-sheng
Priority Number: CN101998381B
IPC Current: H04W001200 | H04M0001725 | H04W008412
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Title: Fingerprint type intelligent switching decision method based on fuzzy logic and system
Usefulness: Fingerprint type intelligent switching decision method based on fuzzy logic and system
Novelty: Fingerprint-type intelligent switching judgment method, involves carrying out switching judgment learning during network deployment, and carrying out switching judgment executing during network operation
- 主要类别
- 信息和通信技术/电信
- 细分类别
- 电信
- 其他
- YAO Gang
CAO Jiannong
ZHANG Chisheng
- 国家/地区
- 中国内地

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