Method and System for a Novel Flow Admission Control Framework
- 总结
- No network can expect to guarantee the QoS if it admits more traffic than can be sustained by the network. It is a general consensus that without flow admission control (FAC), the Internet's QoS problem can not be solved. This invention presents a new FAC framework that keeps the stateless property of the Internet, allow statistical multiplexing gains, and can handle admission control of both TCP and UDP flows.
- 技术优势
- 1. Can solve the seemingly unsolvable QoS problem in the Internet
- 技术应用
- - High definition video distributed through P2P
- 附加资料
- Patent Number: US8441926B2
Application Number: US2007949008A
Inventor: Lea, Chin Tau
Priority Date: 30 Nov 2007
Priority Number: US8441926B2
Application Date: 30 Nov 2007
Publication Date: 14 May 2013
IPC Current: H04J000116
US Class: 370230 | 370235 | 370236
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Method and system for a novel flow admission control framework
Usefulness: Method and system for a novel flow admission control framework
Summary: Method for admitting flows e.g. premium-class transmission control protocol (TCP) flows and premium-class user datagram protocol (UDP) flows, into a symmetric network e.g. tree topology network, nonblocking network (all claimed) and packet network.
Novelty: Flows e.g. premium-class transmission control protocol flows, admitting method for e.g. tree topology network, involves detecting setup packet of flow, and blocking additional flows when traffic overflow occurs
- 主要类别
- 信息和通信技术/电信
- 细分类别
- 电信
- 申请日期
- 30 Nov 2007
- 申请号码
- US 11/949008
- 专利信息
- US 8441926
- ID号码
- TTC.PA.357
- 国家/地区
- 香港
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