Polycrystalline Silicon as an Electrode for a Light Emitting Diode and Method of Making the Same適用於有機發光二極管顯示器的多晶硅薄膜象素電極
- 总结
- In the displays industry, flat panel display is an important technology and is dominating the market. Flat displays typically are plasma displays or Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs), although LED displays, in particular Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) display technology, are proving very promising.
Conventionally, indium-tin oxide (ITO) is used for the manufacturing of transparent electrode of OLED. However, the cost and complexity of the process are relatively high.
This invention describes the use of polycrystalline silicon (poly Si) as an anode or pixel electrode in a light emitting device, thus providing an approach for simple construction of light emitting devices.
Replacement of conventional indium-tin oxide by Low Temperature Poly-Si (LTPS) leads to process simplification, elimination of deposition and patterning and formation of the contact holes to the indium-tin oxide electrode. Ultimately, such replacement results in significant reduction of manufacturing costs.
The application of LTPS as electrodes in displays is made usable in a wide variety of ambient lighting conditions.
- 技术优势
- 1. Better electrical and optical performance such as low power consumption and high luminance
2. Distinctively visible emission color even in bright ambient condition
3. Lower manufacturing costs
- 技术应用
- - Manufacture of OLED Displays
- 附加资料
- Patent Number: US8106101B2
Application Number: US2007826388A
Inventor: Daoud, Walid Abdelhamld | Xin, John Haozhong | Qi, Kaihong
Priority Date: 16 Nov 2004
Priority Number: US8106101B2
Application Date: 13 Jul 2007
Publication Date: 31 Jan 2012
IPC Current: C01G0023047
US Class: 516090 | 423274 | 423610 | 423611 | 423612 | 423615 | 423616
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Method for making single-phase anatase titanium oxide
Usefulness: Method for making single-phase anatase titanium oxide
Summary: The method is useful for preparing single-phase anatase type titanium dioxide, which is useful: for treating an article comprising glass, aluminum, steel, ceramics, polymers, wood, papers, textiles or biomaterials (all claimed); and to form coating films on a variety of substrates including polymer materials or living tissue having low resistance to heat.
Novelty: Preparing single-phase anatase type titanium dioxide, used to treat article e.g. glass, comprises adding titanium-based starting material to solvent containing water, alcohol and organic acid and subjecting to heat treatment
- 主要类别
- 光学
- 细分类别
- 发光二极管/有机发光二极管
- 申请日期
- 20 Sep 2006
- 申请号码
- Chinese 200610139874.0
- 专利信息
- Chinese ZL200610139874.0
- ID号码
- TTC.PA.237S
- 国家/地区
- 香港

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