
Food Waste Conversion System (FWCS)

To reduce the dumping of food waste in landfill sites, HKPC collaborated with South China Agricultural University in 2007 on the development of a Food Waste Conversion System (FWCS). The FWCS can reduce the volume of food waste by 70% in 25 days, which is 58% to 72% faster than conventional compositing method.


IP Title


To reduce the dumping of food waste in landfill sites, HKPC collaborated with South China Agricultural University in 2007 on the development of a Food Waste Conversion System (FWCS). The FWCS can reduce the volume of food waste by 70% in 25 days, which is 58% to 72% faster than conventional compositing method. Video Link to Youtube:


Type of Cooperation


Coverage Areas
Green Technology


Hong Kong

