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A mini-gateway that is exactly designed for personal applications implements Mobile Office and Home Gateway. This Personal Gateway (PG) can provide many practical functions, such as Wireless Router, 3G over WLAN Gateway, Wireless IP Phone, Video Meeting Server, Wireless IPTV Topset, Remote Monitor S..... [更多]
Edible bird’s nest (EBN), so called “Yen Wo”, is a prestigious and superior health food composed of saliva from swallow and other materials. It contains high contents of protein, carbohydrate, bioactive mucoids and epidermal growth factor (EGF) which stimulates proliferation of various epidermal and..... [更多]
The invention relates to a high performance capacitive flexible touch sensible sheet based on fully transparent flexible materials. The design of the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer layer contributes to the device’s performance, and that the PDMS surface is exploited by moulding surface topology..... [更多]
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