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象扑君是由大象ROV创作的一头短鼻子小耳朵善良可爱乐观的小象,用这个有缺陷的小象来比喻虽然每个人有很多缺点和不足,但是依然要保持阳光的心态,乐观的面对一切。他热爱旅行,喜欢交朋友,虽然经常犯傻,但是却永远不轻言放弃。 [更多]
In the past, unbelief was the result of ignorance. But recently unbelief, rejection, and denial have been attitudes of those who consider themselves knowledgeable in all fields, who claim to accept and believe only on rational or scientific grounds. Cloa作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile..... [更多]
In the past, unbelief was the result of ignorance. But recently unbelief, rejection, and denial have been attitudes of those who consider themselves knowledgeable in all fields, who claim to accept and believe only on rational or scientific grounds. Cloa作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile..... [更多]
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