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城郊命案發生,四大名捕前往現場緝凶,不料引出十五年前殺害無情全家之慘案,名捕們順藤摸瓜,牽出各種隱情,個人恩怨與天下蒼生之間,名捕們該如何抉擇?又怎料血戰之後,更大的風暴緊接而來。 [更多]
Tin (by Sean Lau), Chow (by Louis Koo) and Wai (by Nick Cheung) are brotherly bonded partners in Narcotics Bureau. The three have an opportunity to capture notorious durglord Eight-faced Buddha (by Lo Hoi Pang) in Thailand, during the operation Tin’s team is completely annihilated, Tin is forced to ..... [更多]
Mystically epic, cruelly real.In 1944, an action called Operation Kill Ma was performed by the Japanese army. Ever victorious general Ma Derui and his troops were destroyed unexpectedly and his Body was missing in mystery. Ten years later, people find his body, as wellas an amazing fact, Ma was kill..... [更多]
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