An ultraviolet detector, comprising the structure: one sapphire substrate layer; a high temperature AlN buffer layer grown on the sapphire substrate layer, the high temperature AlN buffer layer is 740 ℃ ~ 820 ℃ temperature obtained under; one temperature GaN buffer layer grown on the high temperatur..... [更多]
The present invention relates a scanable product made of a physical object and an ID Container, such ID Container possessing on its memory a Unique ID and a stored coded locking mechanism. The stored coded locking mechanism is generated by inputting physimetric property of the physical object and it..... [更多]
The invention provides a wax regenerative heaters, comprising: Insulation casing; barrel body, which is accommodated in the insulating housing, the contents of the barrel is placed water; heat exchange coil, coiled manner which is accommodated in The barrel body, and has a water inlet and outlet; an..... [更多]
The present invention relates to an insect repellant fabric and a method for making the same. The method of making the, comprises the steps of dissolving a polysaccharide compound in an aqueous solution; heating said solution; adding a prytheroid mixture to said solution; initiating graft polymeriza..... [更多]
本发明涉及变压器故障气体监测系统及方法,采用油气分离装置(100)和包括分布反馈式激光器(206)的光纤气体传感器(200)。油气分离装置(100)将变压器中的故障气体分离到气室(104);光纤气体传感器(200)中的分布反馈式激光器(206)的输出光传至气室(104)中的光纤气体传感头(201),再送至光探测器(202)作光电转换,然后再送到带通滤波器(203)进行滤波及放大,再输入到FPGA(204)和工控机(208)进行分析进而对变压器状况做出判断。本发明的系统及方法可以使多个不同的气体传感头共用同一套光源和检测系统,实现低成本、多点、多种气体的同时测量。 [更多]
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