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A method for detecting sudden-up and sudden-down of voltage includes generating reference sine signal with the same phase and fixed amplitude as voltage signal of power supply, rectifying power supply voltage signal and reference sine signal then comparing rectified power supply voltage signal with ..... [更多]
The present invention relates to a method of treating wastewater such as landfill leachate inorganic and organic compounds. The treatment method involves the use of a core and a hydrophobic amine-containing polymer shell microspheres composed of a bipolar. Preparing said microspheres and structural ..... [更多]
本发明涉及一种养心安神药物及其制备方法,该药物的活性成分是由酸枣仁、合欢花、桑椹、五味子以及柏子仁的有效提取物组成。本发明所述药物的制备方法是将用于提取的原料粉碎成粗粉,分次加水煎煮,合并煎煮液,冷却,滤过,通过处理好的吸附树脂柱,用纯水洗脱至流出液颜色很浅,继以醇溶液洗脱至流出液颜色很浅,收集醇洗脱液,减压回收溶剂并浓缩至稠膏状,得到本发明药物的活性成分。最后将制得的活性成分制成各种口服制剂。 [更多]
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