Second edition This collection of speeches explains the principal elements of Islam belief in the existence and Unity of God, in resurrection and the Day of Judgment, in the Divine Scriptures, as well as other familiar themes of Islamic discourse. Fethull作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile..... [更多]
This collection of articles from various Turkish scholars discusses the recent wave of terrorism and offers a critical opinion of suicide bombers. They present the majority view that suicide bombing and terrorism are in fact condemned in Islam. Ergün Çapa作者/Author: Ergun Capan出版社/Publisher: Nile Pub..... [更多]
网络著名卡通萌星罗小黑是一只通体漆黑的可爱小猫,出自于漫画家MTJJ之手。小黑的故事分为两个平行世界:《罗小黑的日常》和《罗小黑战记》。故事拥有庞大的世界观,是标准的少年热血故事。 [更多]
罗小黑 [更多]
In Muhammad: The Messenger of God, Gulen delves deep into the reasons as to how Muhammad, a single man with minimum means, was able to leave indelible marks on millions of minds and souls. Gulen presents the Prophet in the different roles he assumed withi作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile..... [更多]
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